What We Do

Collaborative efforts and tangible results

At INWRDAM, our commitment to sustainable water management in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region and Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member states is at the heart of everything we do. We believe that innovation, collaboration, and empowering communities are key to sustainable impact.

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What We Do

At INWRDAM, our work is centered around four critical pillars that are essential for sustainable water management and the well-being of communities. First, Drinking Water and Human Wellbeing focuses on ensuring safe and equitable access to clean water, recognizing it as a fundamental human right and a cornerstone of public health. Second, Economic Activities and Development emphasizes the role of water as a driver of economic growth, supporting agriculture, industry, and livelihoods while promoting sustainable practices. Third, we address the vital role of Ecosystems in maintaining the natural balance, protecting water sources, and preserving biodiversity, understanding that healthy ecosystems are essential for long-term water security. Finally, Water-Related Hazards and Climate Change tackles the growing challenges posed by climate change, including floods, droughts, and other water-related risks, by developing strategies for resilience and adaptation.

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How We Work

INWRDAM advances these pillars through a holistic approach that integrates Good Water Governance to ensure transparency, accountability, and participation in water management; Transboundary Cooperation to promote collaboration across borders, fostering peace and shared benefits; and SDG17 Partnership for the Goals, which underscores the importance of multi-stakeholder partnerships in achieving sustainable water solutions. Our commitment to Sustainability and Finance ensures that water projects are economically viable and environmentally sound, while our adherence to the principle of Leave No One Behind guarantees that all communities, especially the most vulnerable, are included in the benefits of sustainable water management. Through these efforts, INWRDAM is dedicated to shaping a future where water resources are managed equitably and sustainably, in line with our mission and the guiding principles of the Holy Quran.

At INWRDAM, our programs are designed to address the multifaceted challenges of sustainable water management through innovative approaches, strategic partnerships, and community engagement targeting MENA and OIC countries. We focus on four key areas: Water Diplomacy and Advocacy, The WEFE Nexus, Climate Resilient Water Systems, and People-Centric Empowerment. Each program is crafted to contribute to the advancement of global water stewardship, fostering resilience and equity in water resource management.

Water Diplomacy and Advocacy - We champion transboundary cooperation and policy advocacy through initiatives like the Blue Peace Middle East and our work in Policy and Advocacy. Our goal is to create frameworks that promote peace and sustainable water management across borders.

The WEFE Nexus - This program integrates the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) sectors to optimize resource use and promote sustainability. Through the WEFE Community of Practice (CoP), WEFE Knowledge Hub, and Piloting the Nexus Approach, we drive innovation and capacity building for practitioners.

Climate Resilient Water Systems - In response to the growing challenges posed by climate change, we focus on developing adaptive and resilient water infrastructures. Our efforts include Real-Time Data Monitoring, Result-Based Solutions, and the construction of Climate Resilient Water Structures.

People-Centric Empowerment - Recognizing the importance of community involvement, this program centers on empowering individuals, particularly women and youth. Through Participatory Needs Assessment and initiatives like Women and Youth Empowerment, we ensure that our solutions are inclusive and responsive to the needs of those most affected by water issues.

Our programs reflect our commitment to innovation, sustainability, and inclusivity, ensuring that our work not only addresses immediate water challenges but also contributes to a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

Our Programs

Connecting Resources , Creating Resilience

Water Diplomacy And Regional Dialogue

Water Diplomacy is more than just a practice; it is a strategic commitment to ensuring the sustainable and equitable management of water resources. INWRDAM plays a pivotal role in advancing water diplomacy across the MENA region and within the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member states by fostering constructive dialogue and collaboration among governments, communities, and organizations.

A key aspect of our water diplomacy efforts involves the development of comprehensive policy papers and the critical review of existing policies and regulatory frameworks in MENA countries. These policy papers are instrumental in identifying gaps, challenges, and opportunities within current water governance structures. They provide actionable recommendations aimed at enhancing policies and regulatory frameworks to better address the complex and evolving challenges of water management in the region.

INWRDAM’s work doesn’t stop at developing these recommendations; we actively advocate for their adoption and implementation. Through our Community of Practice (CoP), we support stakeholders in advocating for the results of these policy papers within their own countries. The CoP serves as a dynamic platform for knowledge exchange, enabling members to share insights, best practices, and innovative solutions. By fostering a collaborative environment, the CoP empowers stakeholders to adapt and implement best practices that are tailored to their unique national contexts, thereby promoting the sustainable management of water resources at both the national and regional levels.

Our commitment to water diplomacy and policy advocacy is driven by the belief that informed, evidence-based policymaking is essential for achieving sustainable water management and regional stability. By bridging the gap between research and practice, INWRDAM ensures that the recommendations we put forward are not only technically sound but also practically feasible, paving the way for a secure and sustainable water future for all.

The WEFE Nexus

The Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) Nexus is a comprehensive and integrated approach that addresses the complex interdependencies between water, energy, food, and ecosystems. INWRDAM, as a leading regional think tank and practitioner, is dedicated to adopting and promoting this critical concept across all its actions and plans. By engaging in research, technology development, policy advocacy, pilot projects, and capacity building, INWRDAM is committed to tackling the challenges and opportunities within the WEFE Nexus. This commitment aims to enhance the resilience of communities against food insecurity, water scarcity, and environmental degradation.

INWRDAM’s dedication to the WEFE Nexus is demonstrated through the adoption of this approach in all its programs and initiatives across the MENA region. By integrating the WEFE Nexus into its strategies, INWRDAM provides a sustainable framework for managing resources more efficiently and fostering long-term resilience. This holistic approach underscores the importance of considering the interconnections between water, energy, food, and ecosystems in every aspect of development and planning.

A cornerstone of this effort is the establishment of the WEFE Nexus Hub, a Knowledge Management Platform designed to facilitate comprehensive resource management across MENA and SEMED countries. Developed under the “Establishment and Institutionalization of WEFE Nexus Hub for MENA” project—implemented by INWRDAM as part of the UfM WEFE Program funded by Sida—the Hub serves as a central resource for knowledge dissemination, stakeholder collaboration, and informed decision-making. It supports the integration of the WEFE Nexus approach within institutional frameworks and operational practices, promoting sustainable development throughout the region.

The WEFE Nexus Hub plays a crucial role in supporting INWRDAM’s broader efforts to embed the WEFE Nexus approach into regional and national policies. By fostering a network for continuous learning and collaboration, the Hub enables stakeholders, including members of the WEFE Community of Practice (CoP), to exchange knowledge, experiences, and best practices regularly. The Hub’s robust digital infrastructure and innovative tools ensure it remains an effective resource for the sustainable management of water, energy, food, and ecosystems in the MENA and SEMED regions.

Through these efforts, INWRDAM continues to lead the promotion of the WEFE Nexus approach, ensuring it becomes a key component of the region's strategy for sustainable development and resource management.

Climate Resilient Water Systems

INWRDAM is committed to integrating climate resilience into its water management strategies to address the growing impacts of climate change on water resources. Climate resilience refers to the ability to anticipate, prepare for, and effectively respond to climate-related hazards, disturbances, and trends. By embedding climate resilience into its projects and policies, INWRDAM aims to ensure the long-term sustainability of water resources and enhance the capacity of communities and ecosystems to adapt to changing climate conditions.

To achieve these goals, INWRDAM develops and implements comprehensive master plans that prioritize sustainable water management and climate resilience. These plans are designed to address the challenges posed by climate change, such as increased variability in precipitation, more frequent and intense extreme weather events, and rising temperatures. By focusing on adaptive strategies and innovative solutions, INWRDAM helps communities reduce their vulnerabilities and build resilience against climate impacts.

INWRDAM’s approach includes incorporating climate considerations into every stage of project development, from planning and design to implementation and evaluation. This holistic approach ensures that water systems are not only effective in meeting current needs but are also robust enough to handle future climate-related challenges.

Through its work, INWRDAM strives to create water systems that are resilient, sustainable, and capable of supporting communities in the face of evolving climate conditions. By integrating climate resilience into its core strategies, INWRDAM contributes to the development of water management practices that safeguard resources, protect ecosystems, and enhance the adaptive capacity of communities throughout the region.

People-Centric Action

INWRDAM adopts a people-centric approach, placing people and communities at the core of our work. We believe that sustainable development and resource management can only be achieved through inclusivity and active participation. As such, we strive to empower communities by involving them in decision-making processes concerning their localities. In addition to this, we are committed to investing in the next generation of experts. We provide internship opportunities to young talents, fostering their growth and development. We also focus on capacity building within our team, ensuring continuous progress and development.

Our approach to planning our interventions is participatory, involving key stakeholders and local communities, with particular attention to the perspectives and needs of women and youth. This not only strengthens the communities we work with but also ensures that they have a say in matters that directly affect them. In essence, our work at INWRDAM is about people – empowering them, investing in them, and involving them in the process of sustainable development and resource management, with an added commitment to elevating the roles of women and youth.

Our Footprint

Expanding Horizons, Building Resilience

Our Global Impact

Since its inception in 1987, INWRDAM has been based in Amman, Jordan, with an operational office in Cairo, Egypt. Our activities span the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Member States, focusing on sustainable water management and the integration of the WEFE Nexus approach, which addresses the interconnected challenges of water, energy, food, and ecosystems. Through our diverse programs—ranging from Water Diplomacy and Advocacy to Climate Resilient Water Systems—we are implementing pilot projects in Jordan and Egypt, with plans to expand these efforts across all Member States. Our collaborative efforts with local, regional, and international partners aim to drive innovation, build resilience, and enhance water security in varied environmental and socio-economic contexts.

Knowledge sharing and Regional Collaboration

At INWRDAM, our publications serve as a vital resource for sharing knowledge, best practices, and innovative solutions related to the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) Nexus. Through comprehensive reports, research papers, policy briefs, and case studies, we disseminate valuable insights gained from our projects and initiatives across the MENA region, OIC Member States, and beyond. The WEFE Nexus Hub, central to our mission, acts as a dynamic platform for practitioners, policymakers, and researchers to access this wealth of information. It not only supports the institutionalization of integrated resource management practices but also fosters regional dialogue and collaboration, ensuring that the lessons learned and innovations developed are widely shared and effectively applied to address global sustainability challenges.